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File of the Month - Non-adult


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Hey so i check the current FOTM a lot, and recently (today) o found that the 4th place mod was Animated Prostitute, and i was stunned, because i remember a topic about not including adult mods in votes for FOTM.


Now this was early after Skyrim release, because modders started to make the naked skins, people when wild. due to this a lot of them got a ranking in FOTM, and the discussion was set that only non-adult mods could be voted for?


Ideas anyone.

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Looking at all the previous months, this doesn't hold true;


Nov '11: Nude Females

Dec '11: Better Females by Bella

Jan '12: Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2 Armor Set + Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE-

Feb '12: Adult Show XXX + DIMONIZED UNP female body

Mar '12: Animated Prostitution - Skyrim


If you don't like Adult Mods, then don't download them, don't force people to your way of thinking.

Edited by BrknSoul
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While I do not use the adult mods (virtual porn seems kind of creepy to me) I believe that making them ineligible for FOM is getting much too close to censorship. Just like any other mod out there, if you don't like it don't use it. Censorship is a dangerous practice to start because who decides where to draw the line? The adult mods are still mods so should be eligible for the same recognition as any other mod.
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there's a top 100 (non adult) for a reason.


I'm strongly against censorship, but i believe allowing adult content to be mixed in with the other rankings is bad, for the following reasons:


1. Sex sells. It's really the only basic human need that can carry across into virtual worlds. In the real world, people need to eat, drink, sleep, be warm, and f***. But sexual gratification is the only one of those that can be represented virtually, so any mod featuring it gets an unfair natural bias, that pretty much drowns out all other mods.


2. Sex sells repeatedly. Everyone is different, and has slightly different preferences, fetishes, favourite outfits, etc. It would be fine if there was one standard nude bodies mod, one standard sex mod, etc. But because of the differences in human opinion, people tend to make hundreds of mods on the topic of sex, all of them extremely similar. a vagina is a vagina any way you look at it, yet we seem to need 200 mods showing slightly different ones. The sheer variety of sex mods, compounded with the above factors, mean that for any decent modding community to function, there needs to be some distinction between sex mods, and everything else.


That said, i do still hate censorship. I'm personally against the need to sign in and manually opt-in to see adult mods. But i guess the site's administrators do that for legal protection, we live in a messed up world. I'm in favour of segregation of adult mods, not because i think sex is evil, but because i get plenty of sex irl, and because i already downloaded my nude mods and i don't care about anymore of them. A slightly different nude skin isn't bringing anything new to the table.

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I agree, adult mods should not be allowed to be on the file of the month lists.

Perhaps if they get on this list a moderator could manually remove them.


I don't think this is a good representation for this site and I know tons of people check those lists.

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The only thing that bothers me about them is that they won't go away. I use the thumbnail config and hide adult content, but the thumbnails still show up regardless. My wife just thinks I'm a perv when they show up, even though I could really care less about boobs in a game.


Plus, why do we have so many of them? Get one boob mod and stick with it. There's no need for hundreds of them that are basically the same thing.

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I personally don't use Adult mods other than UNP (with the Bikini - not nude), because of personal preference. I don't mind what other people do, nor do I really mind that there are a bunch of adult mods that people seem to enjoy.


I'm unaware of any topic saying adult mods aren't included in FOTM, although I do think they should have their own FOTM (Adult-Content). I disagree with them being completely left out, however. Then again, it's not a big issue for me, since they're pretty easy to spot anyway.

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I am not sure what kind of solution would work that would allow folks who don't want to see adult content show up on the site, however denying any adult mods the chance to be FOTM is absolutely the wrong way to go about it. Many of those very adults mods being complained about involve just as much, if not more, work than most non-adult mods you will find scattered across the various nexus sites, and saying "they don't deserve a chance at FOTM because I don't like them" is a fairly narrow point of view to take regarding the modding community as a whole. The fact that so many adult mods actually have achieved FOTM status should speak well about how that effort actually is appreciated because of (or in spite of) the actual adult content of the mod.


Think of it this way - just how much work goes into making a new animation? Now how much more work goes into making, say, 30 new animations, applying them to scripts attached to specific dialogue lines, bug testing them, making adjustments for clipping with at least one body mesh (if not more), writing dialogue to lead into those animations, getting sound recorded and attached to those animations, and so on? Does all that work become invalidated somehow just because it happens to have naughty bits visible, or should it be recognized that a ton of time and effort went into making such a thing work? After all, if you take all those parts I just mentioned, put them together, and make a non-adult mod (non-specific animations), such a thing might well earn just as much praise and be appreciated by a good part of the community.


As far as the "why so many body mods" thing - different tastes for different people, and with the variety in body meshes involved, there will be clothing/armor made for specific bodies that may or may not be ported to include all body models, not to mention things like AP which can create even more clipping issues depending on the body. After all, some bodies will include "normal" proportions, but may or may not include "smaller" or "larger" proportions in regards to all parts of the body mesh, not to mention how they deal with body sliders and such. Back in the Fallout games we had several "normal" bodies and the skinny bodies, both of which had certain clothing/armor they were not really compatible with. Some folks like average bodies, some like skinnier bodies, and some folks like zeppelins attached to the fronts of their females/fire hoses on their males - who are we to judge them for it?

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