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How to modify Behemoth loot list?


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Pretty much like the title suggests, but with a twist. I play with Super Mutant Redux by Madmax713 et al(an excellent mod), and one of the things this mod does is it adds a hydrant cudgel drop on the Behemoths. The problem is the mod author(s) made it a random drop, and a very small chance at that (I just finished farming a Behemoth spawn point, looted seven Behemoths and not one had a cudgel). I would like to modify the chance of the cudgel drop to occur to ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the time. How would I do this? And not sure, but I think the weapon is from the mod, not the vanilla game?


Perhaps this could be a mod request for someone who feels so inclined, but I don't mind doing it myself. I just have no real idea how to go about it. I opened CK and looked for the weapon but could not find it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Load up CK with Fallout4.esm and make the super mutant mod .esp the active file.


Go to 'items' tab and then 'leveled items'.


Search for the LLI that belongs to the super mutant behemoth.


Double click to edit. When you have found the weapon and have it highlighted in the window, you can choose the spawn chance. It should by default be at something less than 100. Change it to 100. You can test the loot roll in the same window to see what he will spawn with. Save the file and test it in-game.

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