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Infinite Ammo


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Would it be possible to make a mod that gives the player infinite ammo, similar to NPCs? I don't mean just flooding your inventory with bullets, I mean making it so that weapons don't actually use up ammo.

Preferably, you'd still have to reload, but it wouldn't take bullets out of your inventory when you do. I'd be fine with having to keep some ammo on me for it to work, whether it's just one bullet or enough to fill the clip/magazine.


Another idea I had while typing this was having a certain item that acts as infinite ammo (either one type or all ammo), similar to the Endless Quiver or Endless Musket Pouch from Terraria. It might work? I dunno, just do whichever idea is easier.


Anyways, if someone could make this, I'd really appreciate it. I couldn't find anything that did this, and I'm tired of having to worry about running out of ammo because I'm too cheap to buy more.

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