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Total immersion NPC clothing and item request


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I just noticed that I was probably adopting the wrong strategy in asking modders for stuff for my 'total immersion' character for 'Silgrad Tower', Anaster Marrowmir: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=59908&hl= . I should probably be able to model a basic Redguard skin myself but what I need are the following items:


* A Top Hat (dark, dusty and dishevelled, please)


* A Trench-coat, suit-coat or similar full-length garment (again - dark, dusty and dishevelled but with a very open collar so as to maximise the chances of seeing the bone tattoo on his chest and perhaps a kerchief in his top pocket, indicating the once-grand state of the coat. Symbols such as those shown in the sample picture on the lapel of the jacket in the original thread would be cool as well).


* A Pair of Boots (dark, dusty and dishevelled again, methinks and, if possible, with a hole in one toe or lifting up from the sole).


* A Skeleton Tattoo displaying the rib-cage over flesh (particularly Redguard flesh colour if this makes any difference).


* Dreadlocks (although Anaster would mostly be wearing his top hat, something like this would be good to experiment with, especially if the dreadlocks were short enough so that they didn't interfere too much with the top hat).


* A Ceremonial Necklace or mwabe used in voodoo. As quoted in the diary, it has "subtly shifting colours" and a "cluster of three central gems" but interpretations of the modellers own making for such an object would be interesting.


* A Snake or Bone Ring (perhaps two).


* A Snake Staff - used in various necromantic rituals slightly dissimilar from the voodoo practiced in the Black Marsh.


* Bony, Claw-like Hands.


Broken down like this, it should make things more manageable and bring out those with particular talents. Credit will, of course, be given. I'll see to that personally.


Thanks in advance for any help that anybody can offer me.

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Thanks necronom12,


Your efforts are appreciated!


btw, I just noticed your 'straight razors' post. Nice work! :thumbsup:

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  • 11 months later...
After taking over the Black Marsh project this year, I am indulging in a bit of thread necromancy here in order to try to get this request completed. I have a few more ideas about what to do now but I still need these items. Any help, anyone?
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