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Donating your "Boys" for concert tickets.


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It's not a question of "Would I?" so much as it is a question of "Would they accept it?". Atleast for most men. Selling sperm isn't anything new, atlest in the US, it's just that most sperm banks these days have certain health and education requirements. Since this includes a minimum height of 5' 9", and a bachelors degree from an acredited college, the number of people who meet those requirements and aren't either in a job where they're making decent money, or aren't seeing/married to someone who would have many reservations about that sort of thing is fairly small. There is afterall that question of "How many children did I father, and will never see (nor want to)?", or other moral issues.


I'll leave out the comments about the quality of "stock" which would do something like this for concert tickets.

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It's so interesting that you guys can give something like that up so easily. Knowing that there could be a possibility that a part of me is out there would drive me crazy. The only thing I can compare it to would be donating one of my eggs. I would want to do my best to make sure that person has a healthy, safe, happy life. I have a feeling I'm comparing apples with oranges, right?


I guess you can't be too possessive over that kind of stuff, you gotta' keep the pipes clean :thumbsup: Keep a healthy prostate. :wink:

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Time for science lesson:


Every man, whether he admits it or not, whether he remembers or even realizes that it happened, has left a million little buddies splattered in a bed sheet within a few weeks of hitting puberty. When I was a teen the most common term was "wet dream," and most guys deny it or just don't remember it because for most people the "dream" is actually not sexual. Also, the fact that it's a type of premature ejaculation might make some guys bury it in the back of their minds.


Another "loss of potential family members" happens to every man, every morning. The first time you urinate in the morning, it contains a very high level of protein and it has nothing to do with that steak you ate last night. This is why military doctors and most hospitals require you to relieve yourself at least once before giving your urine sample.


Carah, most women ovulate once a month* right? And most guys only experience a wet dream once or twice* in their entire lifetime. On those two stats I concede you feeling less than eager to give one away. But guys urinate everyday, and holding it in until after breakfast does not change what is coming out. So on that stat, detachment has to set in sooner or later (usually sooner) or you would quickly go insane at the thought of loosing a million future heirs everyday just because your bladder got full.


All that said: I have donated before, but not anonymously to a bank for money. It was more of a direct deposit to two very close friends who could not have a child without help (because they're both girls). And now those who have heard me say it, now understand the meaning of "my son has two mommies."


* I used the qualifier most because there are exceptions to every rule.

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Donating some disposable biological matter, being compensated for it, and having that donation potentially helping to give someone something they desperately want (not to mention helping to create a life...) sounds like a "win-win" situation to me. While there are no guarantees in life I would think that anyone sufficiently motivated to go to a sperm bank would obviously care greatly about the offspring... so no worries there. Now, how about the thought that I might have "part of me" out there somewhere...? I haven't given the subject extensive thought, but I don't think I would have a problem with that. I would probably have thoughts from time to time wondering... but I would likely be more hopeful (dreaming vicariously) than worried.
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There is a bit of a difference between casting seed which you know will never help create life, and casting seed which just might. But yeah, it happens more frequently, both with and without intention, so it isn't precieved as such a loss. And it is often paired with a pleasurable action when it is with intention, so there usually isn't much thoughr about the whole ordeal. Women on the otherhand cast their seed only after it is no longer capable of producing life, and the ordeal is longterm, and usually met with discomfort (severe in some) and significant changes in emotional state. So it is only natural that there would be a bit more of a connection and contemplation involved. Find me a woman who enjoys menstruation... Find me a man who doesn't enjoy ejaculation (when it's happening ateast)... Enough said.

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the moment i saw the name of the thread something clicked and lo and behold i was right

as far as the subject matter goes and i can only speak for myself the awnser is no

no way no how no way in hell

not for any kind of monetary amount and not for any concert tickets either

i woudl have difficulty parting with something as intensly personal and private as that


so my awnser would be no


and in case anybody had any doubts and no matter what my avatar and screen name might suggest i am a bloke

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Yeah, I heard about this on the radio. The guys at 102.1 theEDGE went to Ireland on St.Patrick's day. Damn, it must be easy to get tickets in Ireland......


Another "loss of potential family members" happens to every man, every morning. The first time you urinate in the morning, it contains a very high level of protein and it has nothing to do with that steak you ate last night. This is why military doctors and most hospitals require you to relieve yourself at least once before giving your urine sample.


Wow, never knew that before. How soon does it start?

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