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Can't use Ungarion (A Warlock's Luck, Bravil) services


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services are unavailable no matter the day or time while his shop is open. He's standing where he's supposed to but there are no options to barter or buy spells in dialoge.
I checked for conflicts with TES4Edit and found nothing that could make him not offer any service. As far as I know he's the only bugged merchant, but I don't discard that there could be more. Any other merchant I interacted with so far offered all their services.
Here's my load order anyway:




00 Oblivion.esm
01 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [Version 1.5.2]
02 Fundament.esm [Version ision]
03 HorseCombatMaster.esm
04 RealisticLeveling.esm
05 All Natural Base.esm [Version 1.36]
06 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [Version 3.5.5]
07 DLCShiveringIsles.esp
08 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [Version 1.5.9]
09 Knights.esp
0A DLCFrostcrag.esp
0B DLCBattlehornCastle.esp
0C DLCThievesDen.esp
0D DLCHorseArmor.esp
0E DLCMehrunesRazor.esp
0F DLCOrrery.esp
10 DLCSpellTomes.esp
11 DLCVileLair.esp
12 Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.1.8]
13 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]
14 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]
15 DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]
16 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.15]
17 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [Version 1.0.14]
++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]
++ Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp
18 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.11]
19 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]
1A DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [Version 1.0.12]
1B JCN_AV Uncap.esp [Version 1.01]
++ Oblivion DLC Delayers.esp [Version 1.0.1]
1C Streamline 3.0.esp
1D Bundlement.esp [Version ision]
1E OblivionReloaded.esp
1F All Natural.esp [Version 1.36]
20 All Natural - SI.esp [Version 1.36]
21 All Natural - Real Lights.esp [Version 1.36]
22 HUD Status Bars.esp [Version 5.3.2]
23 Map Marker Overhaul.esp [Version 3.9.3]
24 Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp [Version 3.9.3]
25 Dynamic Map.esp [Version 2.1.1]
++ Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul - Knights of Nine.esp
26 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [Version 1.5.2]
27 OOOShiveringIsles.esp
28 OOOExtended.esp
29 More Effective Enchantments.esp
2A More Effective Enchantments Knights.esp
2B More Effective Enchantments OOO.esp
2C Alternative Beginnings.esp [Version 1.4.5]
2D Enhanced Economy.esp [Version 5.4.3]
2E Enhanced Grabbing.esp [Version 0.5]
2F SM Bounty.esp [Version 1.22c]
30 SRJIrresponsibleHorses.esp
++ tbskGuardsFeatures OOO Patch.esp
31 tbskGuardsFeatures.esp
32 RshAlchemy.esp
++ RshAlchemy - AVU.esp [Version 1.0]
33 RshAlchemyRecipes.esp
34 Kyoma's Journal Mod.esp [Version 3.2.1]
35 DBBAM.esp [Version 1.47c]
++ Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp [Version 3.0.0]
++ Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp [Version 3.0.0]
++ Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [Version 3.0.0]
36 Harvest [Flora].esp [Version 3.0.0]
37 Camping.esp
38 WindowLightingSystem.esp
39 Immersive Interiors.esp [Version 0.8.1]
3A Immersive Interiors - Landscape Addon.esp
3B Immersive Interiors - Bravil.esp
3C Immersive Interiors - Imperial City.esp [Version 1.5]
3D Better Dungeons.esp
3E Unique Landscapes.esp [Version 2.1.0]
3F TGIN.esp
40 talkwithyourhands2.esp
++ EVE_KhajiitFix.esp
41 EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer.esp
42 EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp
43 EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp
++ nu_dwarven_f_cuirass.esp
44 EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer for OOO.esp
++ OCO_UOP_USIP_Patch.esp
++ OCO_KnightsOTN_Patch.esp
++ OCO_DLCOrrery_Patch.esp
++ OCO_DLCThievesDen_Patch.esp
45 Oblivion_Character_Overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]
++ OCO_DLCHorseArmor_Patch.esp
++ OCO_DLCMehrunesRazor_Patch.esp
46 Deadly Reflex 6 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.esp
47 DeadlyReflex 6 - Combat Moves.esp
++ Deadly Reflex 6 - HeX NifSE Patch.esp
** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [Version 1.36]
48 Bashed Patch, 0.esp
49 Merged Patch.esp
4A Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp [Version 4.8.2]

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I found the root of the problem on my own. The Bashed Patch enabled the "Autocalc stats" option for the NPC, which means it cannot offer any service as a merchant. Changed that -> problem solved.

Now another problem has arisen which is why did Wrye apply that change on the bashed patch. I'll make another topic for that.

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