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Odd Semi-Transpareny Weapon Effect


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i've made a custom model for a weapon and managed to get it ingame, but i'm suffering from some kind of texture (probably) problem that baffles me. When i'm very close to an object, in first person, the weapon begins to become semi-transparent. It's barely noticeable outside, but indoors the problem is exaggerated to an enormous degree, especially in caves and ruins. I have all the texture settings exactly as the iron war axe, have a normal map with specular, a dif with completely white alpha, and a _m that blacks out the wooden handle but registers the axe's head.


Here's a pic of the problem (You have too look closely, as i'm outside, but you can see the window's lacing through the axe's head and it's handle):



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Hmmm. Can you post a picture of it in NifSkope with all the nodes opened up as much as possible? Otherwise I would be happy to take a look at the mesh first hand if you felt inclined to upload it somewhere.
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--> Yeah good to hear, that it was only a garphic problem

as far as I know this effect appears because the ssao of the "Super ENB" is quite rough, but provides a good framerate


to your question:

The SSAO is basically a ambient shadow that provieds a more realistic look

these links mith help:


Ambient Occlusion


SSAO, Screen Space Ambient Occlusion

Edited by BJ11
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