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New and easy mod


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Well I've dabbled in almost every game engine out there and I've played around with the creation kit and it feels familiar and easy but I haven't found the motivation to create anything and bring it into the engine yet. does anyone have any concept art of a cool sword or staff, shield, house, chair, etc. along those lines that's awe inspiring and worth spending the time to create? I already browsed through google images but I haven't really seen anything I could spend over a couple minutes creating. a front and side image are the only necessary things I just need some motivation lol
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Assuming you know what you're talking about, a couple modders here will be in great need of some really cool ship models pretty soon. Both sea and airships. Some unique, but skyrim friendly boats for use for more modest mods (including one I hope to do) would be cool as well. Just keep in mind, if you get a hold of the guy making the airship, this thread:http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/452292-sleds-and-zeppelins/page__st__50, and he doesn't have other specific model plans ( I don't think he does) Your model could be the face of the first good airship mod people see for skyrim :D


If you're really talking about new models, and it sounds like you are, I can't think of a cooler time to get going, or a more motivational opportunity to have possibly dropped in your lap :D


That guy I was talking about and another mod author also seem to talk a lot in the comments of this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5432 If you want to get an idea of where they are and where they are going.


Go, make us an awesome airship. Somebody will be around to make it fly :D


Edit: If you're versed in 3d modeling at all, the creatiokit.com tutorials, and video tutorials have a lot of instructional material on taking plain old 3d models and massaging them (torturing them?) into fitting in with the rest of the skyrim engine.

Edited by SinderionsBones
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hmm an airship would look pretty awesome! i would definately like to have a mod like that for my imperial warrior . . . yeah im more experienced at making the visual parts of a mod rather than the coding. I quickly get bored after a few minutes of code lol an airship wouldn't be that hard to make but the tricky part would be actually using it in skyrim. if someone were to do the coding id love to make the models and textures to make it work :happy:
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That's the point lol. The guys working on it are the code monkeys doing it for fun, not, so far as I can tell, all that terribly interested in the graphic part of it. Just a suggestion. An airship would be awesome, an airship with original great model would be mod gold.


The same goes for surface bound ships for those of us more humble modders just looking to sail around. hell, just a ship model with some extended sails would be a step up, seperate sail models in several different sailing configurations would be amazing. Do the part you have fun doing lol, modding is for fun no matter how you look at it.

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hmm well considering ive seen a lot of work already done here. . . i dont think im needed :P but i have thought of a cool idea! adding a scifi house! im thinking maybe different styles depending on cost whereas one that looks like its from fallout 3 only costs about 5000 and another that resembles mass effect suites 15000 or something along those lines. I kinda like this idea so ima stick with it :) post pics when i finish stuff
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