x2cute2killx Posted October 31, 2017 Share Posted October 31, 2017 is it possible to transfer all of my mods from NMM to MO without having to redownload every file because if it is i kind of would rather try and use MO but if not i really dont wanna redownload everything it literally took me like an entire 24 hours to get all my mods and it was very annoying. if i have to reinstall all the mods to MO from all the mod files i already have thats fine thats less time consuming but i just want to know if its possible Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
willette8 Posted October 31, 2017 Share Posted October 31, 2017 Yes, it's possible. You don't need to to redownload any mods, but you will have to reinstall them with MO. It's very simple and somewhat tedious, but absolutely worth ithttp://wiki.step-project.com/Guide:Mod_Organizer_Advanced#Migrating_from_NMM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x2cute2killx Posted October 31, 2017 Author Share Posted October 31, 2017 dank thats awesome thank you so much. i was really hoping i wouldnt have to redownload. its way longer of a process that way as ive already had to experience a few times now. i used to have MO but my old skyrim wouldnt load so i got mad and deleted everything but now ive given skyrim another chance. im really trying to get rid of some mods though because my FPS is dropping substantially and its not even worth it sometimes to play because i have such bad stutter i can hardly move do you think you could take alook at my modlist and see what i could get rid of maybe mods that do the same thing or some that are unneccassary or maybe incompatible??modlist: 0 0 Skyrim.esm1 1 Update.esm2 2 Dawnguard.esm3 3 HearthFires.esm4 4 Dragonborn.esm5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp6 6 Falskaar.esm7 7 EFFCore.esm8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm9 9 ApachiiHair.esm10 a BSAssets.esm11 b BSHeartland.esm12 c Campfire.esm13 d hdtHighHeel.esm14 e ClimatesOfTamriel.esm15 f Gray Fox Cowl.esm16 10 moonpath.esmHighResTexturePack01.espHighResTexturePack02.espHighResTexturePack03.esp17 11 Cutting Room Floor.esp18 12 VanillaReducedTextures.esp19 13 vImmersiveBeds.esp20 14 WarmongerArmory_Vanilla.esp21 15 WarmongerArmory_DLC.esp22 16 TrueStorms.esp23 17 DragonCarvedArmorSet.esp24 18 AK- Placeable Statics.esp25 19 Holds.esp26 1a RLO - Interiors.esp27 1b mjhKhajiitSpeak.esp28 1c degradation.esp29 1d Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp30 1e Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp31 1f 3DNPC.esp32 20 Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp33 21 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remade.esp34 22 Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp35 23 Weapons & Armor_TrueWeaponsLvlLists.esp36 24 Beasts of Tamriel.esp37 25 Helgen Reborn.esp38 26 RLO - Exteriors.esp39 27 Phenderix Magic World.esp40 28 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp41 29 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp42 2a Holidays.esp43 2b ETaC - Complete Holidays Patch.esp44 2c AKSkyrimUnderground.esp45 2d Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp46 2e Elemental Destruction.esp47 2f Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp48 30 MoonAndStar_MAS.esp49 31 MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp50 32 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp51 33 hothtrooper44_ArmorPatch.esp52 34 Morskom.esp53 35 JobsofSkyrim.esp54 36 marriagemod - alpha v3.esp55 37 DigitigradeKhajiit+ArgonianRaptor.esp56 38 ZIA_Complete Pack_V4.esp57 39 Clockwork.esp58 3a Inigo.esp59 3b AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp60 3c quest_thebiggertheyare.esp61 3d quest_nomercy.esp62 3e moonpath_questdata.esp63 3f Immersive Horses.esp64 40 AyleidPalaceNEW.esp65 41 quest_seaofghosts.esp66 42 Frostfall.esp67 43 1nivWICCloaks.esp68 44 P1FlyingRing.esp69 45 Animated Dragon Wings.esp70 46 FNIS.esp71 47 flaho_shi_eagles_nest_ENG.esp72 48 Vigilant.esp73 49 CCO - Permanent Birthsigns.esp74 4a DeadlyMutilation.esp75 4b DA_Skyship.esp76 4c Midas Magic Expanded.esp77 4d quest_sorcery.esp78 4e quest_andtherealmsofdaedra.esp79 4f Darkend.esp80 50 Equip more Rings (8)_EN.esp81 51 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul Lite.esp82 52 darkproject.esp83 53 KFollowers.esp84 54 FishingInSkyrim.esp85 55 PaladinArtifactsAndArmor.esp86 56 throwingweapons.esp87 57 Cannabis.esp88 58 Bathing in Skyrim - Main.esp89 59 BlackSacramentArmor.esp90 5a ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp91 5b ReflectiveWard.esp92 5c RaceMenuPlugin.esp93 5d HellBuster.esp94 5e MaximumDrive.esp95 5f TKMN_MoreAdoptableChildren.esp96 60 Dr_BandolierDG.esp97 61 Dr_Bandolier.esp98 62 BandolierForNPCMasterFile.esp99 63 BandolierForNPCsWIC_V2.esp100 64 RaceMenu.esp101 65 Public Executions.esp102 66 DaggerCraft.esp103 67 brawlbug-plugin.esp104 68 Immersive Weapons.esp105 69 WeaponsArmorFixes_ImmersiveWeapons_Patch.esp106 6a Tentapalooza.esp107 6b Unique Uniques.esp108 6c Combat Evolved - Core.esp109 6d Action Combat.esp110 6e CoT-WeatherPatch.esp111 6f ClimatesOfTamriel-Nights-Level-3.esp112 70 TrueStorms-ClimatesOfTamriel.esp113 71 BSHeartland - Textures.esp114 72 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp115 73 Pauldrons.esp116 74 FNIS_PCEA2.esp117 75 RapidSlash.esp118 76 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp119 77 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp120 78 CoT-WeatherPatch_DB.esp121 79 Equipping Overhaul.esp122 7a GiftsOfAkatosh.esp123 7b Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp124 7c EFFDialogue.esp125 7d RDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp126 7e anyonefollows2.esp127 7f BandolierForNPCsCheaperBandoliers_BalancedWeight_Dawnguard.esp128 80 DeadlyDragons.esp129 81 MindVision.esp130 82 LPBards.esp131 83 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp132 84 Armor and Clothing for RSChildren - Playable Override + All DLC Patches.esp133 85 RSChildren.esp134 86 RSChildren Patch - USLEEP.esp135 87 Guards Attack Hostiles.esp136 88 ArmorOfIntrigue.esp137 89 Combat Evolved - Damage.esp138 8a MorskomPatchIB.esp139 8b dcm.esp140 8c Fantasy Soundtrack Project - Combat.esp141 8d Warglaive of Azzinoth.esp142 8e V740T_MGolDinS&M.esp143 8f Headtracking.esp144 90 AMatterOfTime.esp145 91 CircleSword.esp146 92 CannabisUpdate.esp147 93 Tempest.esp148 94 RDO - Immersive Horses Patch.esp149 95 Reinforcements.esp150 96 Supreme Storms - Cot Version.esp151 97 CoT-WeatherPatch_SupStorms.esp152 98 RLO - Effects.esp153 99 FNISspells.esp154 9a ShocksCookingSkillHF.esp155 9b Fantasy Soundtrack Project.esp156 9c TKDodge.esp157 9d Redguard_Shields.esp158 9e Realistic Animal Loot.esp159 9f RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp160 a0 SFLPregnancyChildRearing.esp161 a1 MintyLightningMod_COT_Patch.esp162 a2 Perfect Legionnaire - Troops Re-equipment.esp163 a3 TakeNotes.esp164 a4 Child Follower 2.esp165 a5 More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Powered Edition.esp166 a6 More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Wings and Tail.esp167 a7 More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Flying Mod Addon.esp168 a8 GDZZJJDH.esp169 a9 XPMSE.esp170 aa Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp171 ab UIExtensions.esp172 ac MainMenu.esp173 ad Tentapalooza Bathing in Skyrim Patch.esp174 ae Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp175 af LBackpackAll.esp176 b0 HydraShot.esp177 b1 SkyUI.esp178 b2 kuerteeBattleFatigueAndInjuries.esp179 b3 battleflute.esp180 b4 lordamor.esp181 b5 RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp182 b6 Combat Evolved - Stealth.esp183 b7 Stinger.esp184 b8 Immersive Horses - Hearthfire Patch.esp185 b9 khajiitearrings.esp186 ba Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp187 bb ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp188 bc Character Creation Overhaul.esp189 bd CCO - Diverse Races And Genders.esp190 be CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp191 bf BSHeartland - Meshes.esp192 c0 TrueStorms-SupremeStorms-CoT.esp193 c1 RLO - CRF Patch.esp194 c2 Lock Overhaul.esp195 c3 Ktarria.esp196 c4 CoT-WeatherPatch_NL3.esp197 c5 VioLens.esp198 c6 bass cannons of skyrim.esp199 c7 Souls_Quick_Menu.esp200 c8 Furbag.esp201 c9 RSChildren Playable.esp202 ca Daedric Lord Armor.esp203 cb mintylightningmod.esp204 cc Chesko_WearableLantern.esp205 cd mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Cutting Room Floor.esp206 ce mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Moonpath.esp207 cf mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Realistic Needs And Diseases.esp208 d0 imp_helm_legend.esp209 d1 Warmonger Armory DLC - Beast Race Patch.esp210 d2 KhajiitEarsShow.esp211 d3 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp212 d4 mjhKhajiitSpeakMod - Alternate Start.esp213 d5 Bashed Patch, 0.esp214 d6 ASIS-Dependency.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
willette8 Posted October 31, 2017 Share Posted October 31, 2017 Well that's quite a few mods and I can't say for sure about all of them, especially since I don't use most. First thing it noticed is that you have Holds.esp and ETaC - Holiday patch? Aren't ETaC and Holds the City Overhaul incompatible? That is unless I'm mistaken, and the Holds.esp is from something else.I can't say much about weather and lightning mods. My laptop isn't the best, so I don't use them.I see you have Ordinator and Elemental Destruction, but no patch. You need one for that.I believe anything that spawns new enemies can slow down the performance and you have a few. 2 creatures mods and I'm not sure if there is more.Best you simply check the mods with TES5Edit as you reinstall them for compatibility. It can take time, but you'll now immediately if there is a problem. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
x2cute2killx Posted November 1, 2017 Author Share Posted November 1, 2017 (edited) oh my god thats what ETaC is, is expanded towns and citites i was looking at that earlier as well and was wondering what it was for. i dont have the mod installed i must have added the patch not realizing thats what it was. yeah i didnt really want all the lighting and weather mods but one of my mods i dont remember which said i should install an ENB because it might cause my game to crash with using the mod so i installed RealVision because it seemed to be less on the performance side but in turn required all these other mods unless thats just ENBs in general which really sucks. alright ill look into the patch for ordinator and elemental destruction and okay then the all the spawn creature mods i have may be doing it. that makes sense. i might have to get rid of one or two and see how it runs after that. cool cool thanks see i had no idea for any of this so this helped a lot awesome (: Edited November 1, 2017 by x2cute2killx Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
willette8 Posted November 1, 2017 Share Posted November 1, 2017 No problem, happy to help :)Also since you are using an ENB you should also check out the ENBoost, I heard it's very helpful Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grospolina Posted November 1, 2017 Share Posted November 1, 2017 Also since you are using an ENB you should also check out the ENBoost, I heard it's very helpful ENBoost is just ENB with the visual effects turned off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
willette8 Posted November 1, 2017 Share Posted November 1, 2017 Also since you are using an ENB you should also check out the ENBoost, I heard it's very helpful ENBoost is just ENB with the visual effects turned off. I see, sorry my mistake. I really don't know anything about ENBs Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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