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Seeking colaboration for modding project


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Hello, fellows! Since this is my very first discussion, I'll begin by presenting myself -shortly-. My name is Santiago, all the way from Argentina. Enthusiasm and a quite good english allowed me to begin, after practicing enough -I think-, my first modding project, wich is quite simple: to give Oblivion more life. By giving more life I mean adding special NPC's, dialogues, and, in particular, quests and locations. Oblivion is a long, extense and nearly infinite game, but for those like me who had played the game several -and I mean Several, with capital S- times, it gets... short. We've done it all! So this mod is to improve the game for those who will have their first time with it, and extending it for those who just want to revive a long time dreamed dream.


Now, this discussion is an assistance request. I am, after all, new to all this. I manage scripting well, and can handle cell creation/modification, but I alone could never manage such a long project. I also do not have neither a voice nor equipment to record the .wva files for the dialogues I'll introduce to the new quests. If anyone wants to freely colaborate to the mod by just recording the dialogues I have written or will write, in order to work cooperatively, that would be great. If anyone wants to participate on same retexturing or developing new graphics for objects, weapons, armours, NPC's or any statics item, be welcome. Of course I'll include everybody as a contributor and essential part of the project; just as essential as me and whoever will end up working on it, to be fair.


I will say also that the concept is, though simple, very long. It's barely beginned and very poor so far (one simple quest, two locations, several scripts with different things (one adding a spell, another working with some events in the locations, all yet very small and simple). This IS a newborn project, wich means TWO things: a) long work ahead; be ready to receive dialogs and assignments every week for months -maybe years- till the project reaches its goal, in quality and size; b) susceptible to changes!!!; I am all ears to my own and other people thoughts, so the project can lose or acquire features, ideas and directions.


If anybody wanted to make a big mod, but couldn't find a working colaborator, that's exactly what I want, so seize the oportunity. Scripting, texturing, questing, and voice-recording, anything is good for the moment. The only thing essential is enthusiasm, a hard-working personality, and respectful communication.


PD: I also do not want or need anyone to be a professional or an expert. I am neither of these. As long as you are able to work hard, and you are patient and ambicious (and want to have fun!), it should be perfect.


Thanks for reading!


EDIT: Retexturing the Imperial City! This has been added to the list of to do things, and it is already a begined task. So far, we've covered the Market District houses and streets. The idea is to make it more colourful and living, without being excessive. Why does the capital of all Tamriel, the Imperial city, look so gray and average? That's what we are trying to fix. So, just updating so people who read this can know what the project has been occupying on.

Edited by PkSanTi
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