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Adding Dismemberment to Armor/Clothes


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How would one go about adding dismemberment data to a set of armor or clothes that did not come with such a feature?

I have had a limited amount of success doing such a thing so far through the use of Bodyslide's outfit studio. For a few of the mods I have added it to, there are a outfits that do not really cover arms or legs past the point where the limbs might normally be severed (short sleeve shirts/tank tops/bras and shorts/panties, etc), so it has so far been as simple as replacing the base/reference body that was included in the mod with the base/reference body from "CBBE Reduced", which is a base body that has dismemberment data.

I hit a snag when it comes to outfits that have parts that DO cover areas where dismemberment may occur, such as outfits with long sleeves or pants or boots, but still leave some amount of skin visible. I can still replace the reference body beneath the outfits, and dismemberment will occur as normal, though the outfits will stay in place, covering over an invisible arm or leg, while there is a bare dismembered limb laying elsewhere.

I only have a very surface level knowledge of models and editing them, but I figure what I basically need to accomplish is tying the outfit's vertices/sections of mesh to certain bones or vertices on the base model, so that when limbs are severed it takes certain parts of the outfit with it. Would I need to use nifskope to add the necessary data to accomplish this feat, and if so, how might I go about doing this?

(p.s. hopefully this is the right place to post this question XD)

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  • 1 month later...

From what I've gethered so far, does it have some sort of hard limit on number of polygons/triangles/faces or whatever involved? I know that to get many of the outfits for CBBE to work, they had to reduce the number of triangles in the body and the outfits. Assuming the outfit in question isn't utra-high poly count, how do I facilitate where it dismembers?

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  • 7 months later...

Did you ever find a solution to your problem? I myself am near where you are. Trying to figure out how to add segments. I havent yet gotten to replacing the bodies with CBBE Reduced.

Do I just delete the old body and then make the Reduced body the Set Reference? (and zap out the masked parts that wont be seen)


How does segmentation work with outfits SRX seemed to have been able to figure it out with vanilla outfits.


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