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New Official Plugin Refurbishers


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I was thinking SM's version is pretty good but i'd only end up using some of them. and i thought of my own version and thoguth "Hey why not?"


ok so here it goes. this is only for the plugins that i dont agree with the refurbishings of and just for funzies i'll list my reasons


Horse Armor: The add should be on a poster or on a desk or table in each Stable having it in a single inn just dosnt make sense.


Wizards Tower- Should be deliverd to you after reaching Journyman or Expert level in one class of magic prehaps you'll be approached by Myvryna Arano it just dosnt make sense that you'd get it from someone in the Mages Guild if that distent reletive built the spire as an escape from the guild


The Vile Lair- Simple the Crimson Scars were vampires. become a vampire and sleep and your in.


Mehrunes Razor- This one i'm thinking about it could be triggerd by reading a book related tot he Mythic Dawn or Mehrunes Degon. or it could be triggerd during the Degon Shrine Quest as one of those "New Topic" things or maybe when you take Martin to the Priory one of the Mythic Dawn will have it on their bodies its best not to use the assassins in the Tutorial Dungeons as alot of people dont use the vanilla start


So what yall think?

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Generally, anything to do with official plugins mod wise is a bad idea. You can't actually include any part of official mods within your plugin, and patching/deisolation has its limitations, and might be seen as illegal by some.
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