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BSOD (fltmgr.sys) when starting FO4


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Since today i a getting as BSOD as soon as i startFO4 or F4SE. Right before the BSOD the game starts kinda in windowed mode. not a real window mode that i can close but only 2/3 of my desktop, then the BSOD. Every time. I can play other games like Witcher 3, Skyrim and Star Trek online but no FO4. What could cause this? what would be a solution?

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Starting in 2/3 of desktop size is normal. I have that too. Thats when the game dont have full focus at startup. Normally clicking somewhere inside that window should switch to fullscreen. But thats the point where your BSOD shows up. The question here is, what does the screen tells you? There are informations included.

What could cause it? Nearly everything. Driver of your GPU, some other driver, false call of memory, and so on. Even an outdated mod, not running with current game-version could cause it.

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I have the same issue suddenly. I played it a few days ago and all was fine. But today, when I launch it, after the intro video, I get an instant BSOD. This has happened two times in a row.




I tried several other games (Skyrim, Elex, Dying Light) and they all launch and run.


I have no mods installed whatsoever. I'm using the same video driver version as before this started happening.


I'm running Windows 10 Creator's Update.

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Creators update... thats an info we may work with...(i still run Win7, so i dont have that problem)

But: a quick search results in the following:

Microsoft updates the file system core architecture (simple explained) and FLTMGR.SYS is part of that.

Now, indroducing the anti-virus/anti-malware suit you are using. They may not proberly updated/patched to the creators update.

The conclusion: the interfere with each other.


Possible solution:

Disable the antivirus/anti-malware just for testing.

If it runs fine afterwards, make an exception for your game-folder, mod-manager and so on (everything related to FO4)

Check for updates for your security-suite.


And if this solved the problem, please leave a note, so others can rely on it.

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