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Im not good enough pls help


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i just started to try to edit some textures of a mod. i wanted to put the SoA logos and patches of a ordinary member onto the texture of MissMorose´s Courier Vests mod but i cant get into how its made. i didnt ask her because i would have done it just for private uses but now i´ve seen im too bad so can someone just help me out with this idea? i would really apreciate it! Thanks! The VaultDweller.

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It's always better to "learn to fish", especially when you want things for personal use. Having someone else do it for you gets into the legal issues of "distribution" copy rights.


Have you seen the tutorials under the "Armor & Clothes" section the wiki "Getting started creating mods using GECK" article? This is one of the most common "beginner" mod tasks, so there are lots on the subject. If you can't find anything covering a specific problem, ask either here or under the "GECK and Modders" sub-forum.



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