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Halt Reload / Change Weapon


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so as every one here juggles though many Shooter games know ... it is faster to change weapon than to reload , especially when you get ambushed ... which happens alot here in FO4


I was wondering if someone could make the (quick change menu) weapons magazine ammo count be a static variable ... as in , you fire your pistol until it has 3 bullets inside it , you change to your SMG & fire someshots , when you get back to your pistol ... you will need to reload , as it have 3 bullets in it


but I know that this would be like (super hard) ... so let's reimagine it to a much simpler mod to implement


1) every weapon you pick or modify , will need to be reloaded afterwards ... as it will NEVER have any projectiles inside it

2) you can interupt the reload animation to get another weapon ... uncomplete animations does NOT regester

3) all weapons in the quick menu have the projectiles inside it counted ... so if you charge a Laser Musket (in Quick menu) & put it away , it remains charged (might be hard to implemt)

4) any weapon from the backpack (not in the quick menu) will need to be reloaded prior to use

5) melee weapons & drugs should get excluded from these rules ... mods that provide chargable melee weapons will be a problem


these are the ideas that I have that could enhance the experience greatly ... came from experiencing other current survival games on the market

I would really like to witness them here


thanks for your time


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Wait... what? Just addressing the first part of your post - my game does this already, without any mod to do that. Both with vanilla and mod weapons (I currently have the sniper hunting rifle and handmade auto rifle vanilla weapons, and Quad Rioter's Projectile and Accelerator, and the XM73 Experimental Gauss Rifle, for mod weapons). If, say, I take six shots with my drum-magged handmade rifle (75 round clip), then switch to the gauss (20 round mag) and take a shot, when I switch back to the handmade it'll have 69 ammo. Switch back to the Gauss and it'll have 19. I've had lotsa other weapons during my game and I'm sure that's been the case for all of them since the beginning.


Am I misunderstanding? You're just talking switching weapons via hotkey right - i.e. assigning weapons as "favourites" in the pipboy? (Which is what I'm talking about. Again, just re: the first part of your post.)


Edit: ok, never noticed before, but if you switch weapons by actually opening the pipboy and not switching between favourites via hotkey, the gun indeed comes up fully loaded. I guess I've never done that before. I suppose this idea might be useful if you have so many weapons that you can't hotkey all of them.

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I have no idea what a "circular quick menu" is. I'm talking about simply making a weapon a favourite in the pipboy, ie by pressing "q" then assigning it to keys 1-9. So I hit number key "5" on my keyboard, for example, and the hunting rifle comes up. Hit number key "4" and the handmade rifle comes up, etc. Each time with the amount of ammo I had left after using the weapon last.

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well ... it doesn't really work for me that way

and what I wanted to see (as the title says) is a way to stop the reloading animatioon and pull a faster pistol or an SMG ... to help you defeat a rat that snuck up on you while on a sniping run


also ... I really hate the 2 shot shotgun ... it is literally un-usable ... while every where else is a Bless in the right places

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