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3dNPC constant ctd with DialogueZora


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After I triggered the quest "The children fair" this ctd problem just stick with me, even after I finished the quest and send Zora away.

I've checked the log and every time I find something like this:

Error: DialogueZora (1403B254): unknown quest objective 10.


[DialogueZora (1403B254)].QF_DialogueZora_0203B254.SetObjectiveDisplayed() - "<native>" Line ?

Edited by ju87gstukas
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The last line in your logs is typically not the cause of a crash, as a crash prevents the game engine from logging anything.


Script logs are not crash logs, at best they can give indications of things wrong with your game, given careful enough analysis by someone very familiar with them by reading though them completely, not just looking at the bit at the end. Some messages are harmless, others aren't.



provides some insight, perhaps.


I don't know anything about your modding practices or your particular setup so I can't really say what the cause of your crash is. Most crashes I see are either:

1. people not understanding that you can't just randomly add and remove mods mid-playthough without negative effects over time (unless they are VERY simple mods)

2. people who just install a whole bunch of stuff and don't pay attention to what gets installed, in what order, and why.

3. people who completely overload the game engine with a whole bunch of script-heavy mods, the largest textures possible everywhere, a kazillion NPCs, ill-advised ini tweaks, or a combination thereof.


Not saying this is you, but that's the common theme.

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