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Trying to add items to a vendor. What am I doing wrong?

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So I'm working on a small mod that adds some items. I've decided to integrate them into the game by letting the player buy them from Belethor. So I made a new container, put my items in it, put it under the floor, and changed its ownership to Belethor's service faction; as best as I can tell, this is exactly how the items added in Hearthfire are integrated. But I tried it and my items don't appear for sale. The only time it works is if I use tcl to clip through the floor, look inside the chest I added, and then try to buy from Belethor. Then he has all the items for sale. Weird thing is, then it will work even if I reload an older save, but not if I close the game and load it back up.

Based on the looking I did online I'm not the only one who can't figure this out. I don't really want to add them to existing leveled list because I want all of my items to be for sale, and I want it to still work if the chest respawns or if Belethor dies and Ysolda takes over the shop. This is really bugging me; surely someone knows how to do this?

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Try creating your own list, lvl 1, with 100% chance of the item being there, then add that leveled list to belethor's vanilla merchant chest.


Won't that conflict with any other mod that alters the same chest?


Yes it would.


It also wasn't clear if you had tried waiting for a shop reset to occur before checking his inventory listing or not. I believe even with the Hearthfire stuff the shop has to go through a respawn cycle for things to work. If that didn't work then I'm not sure what to say about the whole chest spawning issue unless it's related to requiring a cell reset for it to start working. You could change the iHoursToRespawnCell game setting to 1 and hop outside his shop, sleep 2 hours (just for good measure) and then re-enter. See if it then populates or not.

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