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Terminator armor from warhammer 40k and 30k


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there is already a space marines power armor mod so why not a terminator mod ? they are so cool and super heavy, they are not living tanks but f*#@ing living battle cruiser ! i think fallout needs more warhammer stuff like armors, factions, WEAPONS, the imperial guard ( there is already an illegal mod for the guards armor but it's not very stable) and chaos demons and space marines, 40k and 30k have a pretty rich univers so i think it's a gold mine for the moding community and if someone can do do it... it will be great. i think the mod maker of the space marines power armor can do it cause his mod for the space marine was very high quality and very well done so the idea is there, at your G.E.C.K and moding tools comarades !

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