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Throw Money At It!


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A stupid idea I just had. At some point you are drowning in caps, why not put them to a better use?


There is the bottlecap mine, so a bottlecap grenade isn't that far off. Crafted similar to the mine, but with a tin can instead of the lunchbox and a spring or something. Similar explosion as the mine.


Bottlecap Shotgun: You will have to craft bottlecap shells first, I'd say 1 steel, 1 plastic and 10 caps make one shell.

The weapon itself is quite devastating, but only in a short range due it's very high spread.


Bottlecap Launcher: shoots regular caps, if possible. Maybe by giving the player invisible fake ammunition on equip, similar to how the Useful Laser Musket does it. Then just flings them at the enemy. Light to medium damage, but high fire rate. Some of the caps can be looted back off the corpse afterwards. That would probably be hard to balance, with ammo which doesn't weight anything and can be found anywhere.


For extra fun, these weapons could make that cash register ka-ching sound on reload, or on critical hit :D


For melee fighters, I'm thinking about mods to baseball bats, boxing gloves, knuckles etc, which are basically caps glued to the item in question.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fooled around a little, and I pretty much finished making a "Bottlecap Reciever" mod for the pipe gun which converts it to firing bottlecaps.

The script has a few issues, but I'm confident that I can make it work.


The question is: would anyone be willing to make a model for said mod?

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