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[LE] Understanding The Monetary Value of Custom Enchanted Items


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So I'm currently working on an armor/Weapon compilation project and got held up when I realized I didn't know how Skyrim calculated an enchanted Item's worth/value. I'm trying to gauge what to value some enchanted items at, and from looking through the CK, most vanilla enchanted items are of the same worth as the template items, however, some enchanted items are worth far more than their template items (like the enchanted college robes).


So I'm wondering, is the value of an enchanted item solely based off its "enchant power" plus the base value? And if an enchanted item has no template, does it make any difference in its value calculation? I.e. Should I determine its value just based from it's armor rating and let the game figure out the rest from it's enchantment, or do I need to manually set its value, taking the enchantment power into account?


Any clarification would be much appreciated.

Edited by jedp15
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Player-made enchantments in theory should follow the standard auto-calculation rules but it's glitched up the wazoo, last I checked; things like enchantments being worth less the higher your enchanting skill becomes, stuff like that. Trying to sort it out is a slow descent into madness.

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