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[LE] Checkig the amount and type of worn armor


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Hey there,

currently trying to implement a more realistic damage system by changing some things based on the worn armor. E.g. A set of heavy armor gives very high protection against swords, but is vulnerable to maces etc.


To get this working well I need to check for the amount and type of armor worn.


If player wears 1 piece of cloth -> give small cloth bonus

If player wears 3 pieces of heavy armor -> give big heavy armor bonus



Ideally I would like to give more importance to the chestplate worn compared to the boots for example.

But it does not seem possible to check specifically for "does wear heavy chest armor?", only for "wears any kind of chest armor?"


Also the condition list to check for clothing (or being naked, which I consider the same) is very very long and cumbersome, because of the OR precedence for conditions (see: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Conditions).



To solve both of these issues I would like to do the conditioning within a script which I expect would be able to handle this a lot more accurately and with fewer conditions.

But how do I do that? Not necessarily the scripting itself, but how would I go about creating a script which can be used as a perk condition?


Edit: Oh and I would want to check this for NPCs which the player attacks as well (it should function both ways), is that possible?

Edited by Anubis22
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