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How to make a nif file in Nifskope


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I want to reverse the mesh in the nif file in mod.

I'm going to change this to righthanded bolt action.
First, import the nif file in 3ds max, and then export it after reversing.

After exporting, nifskope has opened the nif file which is reversed. Although the mesh has a certain reversal,
You can see that the original (left bolt) and file format have changed.

From here, a full-fledged question begins. As you can see, the left is the original and the right is the revision. The modified file is properly played in the game
I know that you need to use a nipscope for finishing to work. To do this, right-click the file structure of the revision on the left.
I need to make it the same as the original file structure. To do the same thing, try copy and edit string index
I tried to touch it, but I do not know what to do.


Edited by destrentz
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In the old days we exported it then transferred from export to a existing Vanilla mesh, the shape data only. It's a hack, but a clean one. I might suggest to go to YouTube & search for tutorials on weapons ask a modder that currently making weapons. Ask NifTools cause that's the team that makes these nice tools we have. You need a workflow for that. So it's not a pain & can be completed quickly though over the last year most people have stuck to using what works. I would hope things are better now. It's a bolt action rifle, doesn't actually matter if it's left/right oriented because in both cases the right hand releases the weapon to grab the bolt. People seem to use either version of weapon fine. Though you would need animations to have that happen. All that Hollywood tactical loading & functionality was golden on the big screen, might work here. I wish I could help more, but I haven't found a workflow or toolset yet that I could continue making weapons & armor with. The is a forum board for the Creation Kit here specific to FO4, it's at the bottom of the Sub-forum for FO4 it's more related to content creation than where you posted this. Also there is a 3D Modeling Board here at Nexus && if you get enough downloads there is a hidden author forum. YouTube it ? LOL Not much help huh? Sorry.



Edited by T0O00O0O
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