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Stardew Valley

a mod to allow me to move static objects i.e. berry bushes?


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I have the tree transplant mod installed and it works a charm, however, i was wondering if there was a mod to allow me to move berry bushes around and other small things like that? I have a berry bush directly behind my dropbox (the box you use to sell your crops in) and I can't harvest any berries that show up on this bush and it's beyond frustrating.


on a side note, speaking of trees. I know there is a mod that replaces static trees in town with choppable ones, I haven't tried it yet but I KNOW it works, however, does this mod also replace static trees in your farm? Similarly to how I can't access a berry bush behind my Dropbox I also have a mod that randomly spawns wild fruits and veggies' in my farm from time to time and a dandilion has been sitting behind my greenhouse blocked off by a static tree for days now and it's just....so.....GWAR!! FRUSTRATING! lol

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