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3 Position Lever?


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One of the bethesda tutorials shows a three position lever, the middle position was only available at the start I think though. I have not, in game, or in the editor, come across a regular lever with three positions. There are plenty of other options though :D


If you know anything about loading it up in animation software or checking the animations included in the model, you could check and see if the middle option is available just not used. It may then be available if you can get to it.

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oh you're so right! duh, hmm... it was like my third dungeon too, only a few days into when I started playing. It's a ruin where there's a guy looking for the treasures of the ruin, but he doesn't have... probably one of the colored claws.... if that rings a bell for anyone... Anyways, it's in a room where you have to get three doors to open in the right combination using like, 4 or 6 levers. they do indeed have three positions :D


edit: this was a post with 0 replies when I typed my last response btw lol

Edited by SinderionsBones
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Nope, I'm a pure scripter. I extracted the nifs and animations for the dwemer and nordic levers, and I have nifSkope installed, but I have no idea how to put them together to take a look at.




Ok, I decided to do what I'm best at, scripting! I took a lever and gave it a custom script to let me choose what animation I want it to play.


There are six animations: fullpulldown, fullpushdown, pulldown, pullup, pushdown, pushup.


FullPullDown and FullPushDown don't seem to do anything with just PlayAnimation. The original scripts all use PlayAnimationAndWait and use it as the second parameter (eg PlayAnimationAndWait("pulldown", "fullpulldown").


For the other options, when the lever has been pulled all the way down, you can only use PushUp in order to return it to the center position. From the center position, you can use either PullDown to pull it all the way down, or PushDown to push it all the way down (it goes in the opposite direction). When it's pushed down all the way, you can only use PullUp to return it to original position.

Edited by fg109
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