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Eating Animation Simple Improvements


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Not sure I am the first person who got this simple idea.


1. Add apple as an animation object for that common eat bread animation we see here and there NPNs performing (sorry, I can't recall the correct name for that idle). This would make a variant of exesting idle. Any other food object, like sweet roll will do (providing a bit of scaling probably).


2.Add chewing animation as an additional stage for existing eat bread animation. NPC bites his bread and starts moving his chin up and down (maybe slightly diagonally), he keeps chewing for a while (with opening his mouth probably). Then the idle recycles the way we have in vanilla game. For chewing animation the existing phonemas could be used similar to the way silent voice works.


I am pretty sure, everyone will agree all this would be immersive and absoolutely lore-friendly, and - more important - it would bring additional diversity into game. If you agree with me, please vote for this request.

Edited by Skybroom
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