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7 Days To Die

how to mod a new game in war of walkers


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  • 4 weeks later...

Same here, cannot start a new game in War of the Walkers.

Used latest 7D2D launcher to copy dirs and created modded dirs and update mods etc.

There is no other option in Game World [only random gen and Navezgame].

Game plays fine in Vanilla.


Also, am I meant to delete old save games and have the game create 100% new game because my old save games are persistent and no matter where i search I cannot delte the old save game, even when I delete save dir from appdata/roaming. When i boot the game it is still there. Where is the secret hidden backup save game location [not in my documents and not in appdata/roaming]


Help anyone ? Thanks.


EDIT: well crazy but it started working after the 10th reload and lots of swearing :-)

Edited by ecojv
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