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Put this in the spoilers because I did not want to spoil the goriness of the cure quest for anyone.


I was a beast for a while, killing off guards and such, then I got cured and the past was all behind me.

Until the other day when I was strolling past the altar of Thrond when I hear a female Nord challenging me ("You will die blah blah") looking around I did not see anyone and figured it was probably just some wacky beserker anyway.


Then bursting out of the trees comes this butt naked nord girl who starts trying to kill me with her bare hands, I hit her and she fell down dead. When I checked who she was, it said she was the "innocent" from the ritual??!??


First of all: I killed her and tore out her heart during that ritual unless I was mistaken.


Secondly: Why did she come back? Is she a ghost? I guess she does have a right to be a bit annoyed at me, what with the whole "ripping out her heart" thing.



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