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[LE] Possible to model myself into Skyrim?


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It appears like it's really easy to do now

there is an app called Uraniom which allows you to make an avatar of yourself , and even has support to directly add it to some games , among which is Skyrim

take a loot at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLM4-cfewIA&ytbChannel=Uraniom

the video shows how to make yourself in FIFA , but when selecting the game it also shows Skyrim , and it seems like the process is really similar


now , I've just discovered this (decided to search , because I knew of a way to do something like this for Oblivion , but haven't thought about this in years)

so I'm not sure how it works for Skyrim , what race your character will be , and all that

but you should really give this a try , see what you can do , and make a topic to report on this , if this is successful

I'm sure many others would love to do this , and just don't know this exists

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Welp, I don't think this will work. I've only looked around for a little, as I'm kind of busy today, but the PC program doesn't seem to exist anymore, as the only thing I can find is about some lame Android app called "Shadow". And I think you have to have a specific smartphone in order for it to work, as I think the phone need stereo cameras in order to get the 3d data. I'll keep looking.

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yeah , looked through it again , and I see the problem

I thought the app on their site allows you to do all of it

the problem is that it actually requires a full 3D scan , through a very specific type of camera as it appears

so you could do this , if you were at Pax last year , and had yourself scanned

meaning that this will not give you the feature you want

sorry , guess I should have looked deeper into this


there are other (older) threads on this subject , that do describe a possible method to create yourself in Skyrim

the problem is , those methods seem really complicated , requiring quite a bit of skill with several tools

and the instructions aren't really detailed , from what I've seen

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Really you can make a character look like anybody. Depending what the person looks like (relative similarity to existing Skyrim models/textures, or modded assets) the level of difficulty could vary. It also depends on if you're going for brutal honesty or a more fantasy version of yourself. You can check the nexus for hundreds of examples of people trying to do Skyrim portraits of celebrities, or friends of theirs, or probably even themselves, with varying levels of realism and varying degrees of success.


It's sort of like asking "is it possible to paint a self-portrait?" Like yeah, it's always possible, but there is some combination of skill and dedication involved. Even if there's an automated process out there, you might want to fine-tune it from there.


Definitely I'd start by installing RaceMenu and some custom hair mods if you want to take a crack at it.



Personally my background is in art and specifically in sculpting, which really helps when I'm trying to make my video game characters look a certain way. I realize not everybody is trained in that field. I can tell you, there's a reason self-portraits are such a core part of learning art skills. It's the best learning exercise you can do. You can tell if it looks right or wrong because you know your own face better than any other image. Like if you draw a basket of fruit and the proportions are off you might never notice, but if you look at an image of your own face and the proportions are off, you definitely notice. Once you hone your skills by drawing yourself, you are much better equipped to draw other people or things.


Similarly, I think trying to create yourself in RaceMenu would be a pretty great way to teach yourself how to make faces in Skyrim!

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