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OMG, Conker's Bad Fur Day!


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OMFG! I almost forgot about this. This was the single most enjoyable game that I have ever played in my entire life! Funny, creative, and aimed towards not just single player, but good multiplayer as well. I've spent hours on end with my friends playing the Heist multi level or Total War. The AI was superb as well. You would actually get your ass handed to you if you didn't know how to play. Does anybody agree with me??
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i had hoped you forgot about this

vulguar crude unfunny uneven gameplay insane camera

and it got revamped for the xbox and ramped up til its even more insanley difficult

vile game


not as vile as the spice girls game or most movie tie ins but stil vile

and a platformer on top of that


so no i dont agree

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off course they are

and you thought it was a good game and thats fine but i found it vulguar crude and un appealing

the fact it was a platformer as wel just is the icing on the cake that makes me want to avoid it at all costs

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yay for Wii Virtual Console. Bringing back the best from the museums and the worst from their graves. Sixteen feet under. It was going to be a good game, but then they felt like messing with it. It was even slated to have an E rating; for about a month. Then they upgraded/downgraded it to M, depending on your position.
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this piece of filth has already been exhumed from its grave on the xbox

where it was given spiffy new graphics and made even harder

which adds nothing for the crap crude humor or totally garbage game play


andit has been sensored which i think is funny

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  • 6 months later...

OMG whats wrong with you!


BEST GAME EVER!! Hands down the best multiplayer game when it came out. Single player was a bit crude, but if your not a total stick in the mud you can at least laugh at it. My friend won a prize (not sure what it was) but he was there early when they made the Xbox version of the game cause he knew the bumble bee song or poo song what ever it was....


But seriously the multilayer was the best, hands down...I still play it when ever I hang out at his place

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Some people have no sense of humour... :biggrin:


I played Conker when it was on Nintendo 64 so that's a while ago. :whistling:


I sadly never got to finish it but I did enjoy it. I thought it was a refreshing change actually from all the usual cutesy stuff.


Funniest game ever. Good puzzles and his voice cracks me up.

I love platformers, always have. That's when I'm not playing Oblivion or something similar.


The controls and camera like any console game just need getting used to, then it just becomes automatic.

Like the Resident Evil games. Terrible camera and controls for about five minutes. Then the brain takes over and it's easy.




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  • 4 months later...

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