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The Final Descent/Bloodskal Blade Issue (Repost)


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**Sorry for the repost, just looking for some possible answers.**

I am unsure if these questions are in the right place or not, so please forgive me if they are (and move this post if it is deemed necessary, please).


Having said that, I am, obviously, doing this quest (for the first time, if you can believe it) and ran into an issue where the Bloodskal Blade is not emitting the energy wave that it is supposed to do. Yes, I am aware of the horizontal and vertical power swings I am supposed to perform, and I am doing them, but the blade is not emitting the energy wave when performing any of the power moves (moving side to side, the vertical, or the backwards power moves).


So, before I go reverting saves, or doing anything drastic lol, I have 2 questions I'd like to ask.

1) Does anyone know if any of the mods I have installed, are affecting the Bloodskal Blade in any way, or perhaps are preventing the effect from emitting from the blade itself? Mod List

2) Does anyone know if there is perhaps a minimum Stamina requirement for the effect to happen? I have 216 Stamina at L59 (Battlemage ... or AxeMage, as I like to call her :tongue:) and I'm wondering if because I am that high level, if perhaps there may be a minimum Stamina requirement for the blade's effect.

A) Is there a way that someone can possibly look into the details of the Bloodskal Blade and see if there are requirements for it, or its' effects, please?


Again, my apologies if this is in the wrong place. Being as this is the first time I have done this particular quest, this is obviously the first time I have encountered this issue. I did Google it, and I have tried all of the suggested fixes (aside from loading previous save): Dual-casting healing spells; Dropping it and picking it back up, switching back and forth from 1st person and 3rd person views. I am open to any other suggestions is anyone has any.


So before I go loading a previous save (which is not really a problem), can anyone answer the above 2 questions please? Thank you for any help anyone can provide.

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So after a couple of days of researching this issue, and going through absolutely every possible "fix" that was posted, I am officially stuck with this quest.


I have tried:

--- Double-casting Healing

--- Dropping the blade/Picking the blade back up

--- Giving it to follower

--- Loading a previous save (even before I started the quest ... hence why I keep multiple saves)

--- Console commands (various including advancing the quest, disabling the weapon, removing the weapon and re-adding it)

--- Removing FNIS files

--- Praying to various mythical beings

--- Voodoo dolls


If there is anything else anyone can think of that I haven't tried, please tell me, I will try anything. But as of now, this quest for me is officially broken because the damn Bloodskal Blade is broken. No matter which way I power swing the thing, or what I do with the console, or whatever else is listed above ... absolutely nothing works; the damn thing just does not work and will not fire anything of any sort.


It would be nice to actually figure out what the hell is going on here, because I am not the first to have experienced this issue. No one has any clues? At all?

Edited by ShadowDW
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Alright, so first off I want to apologize for a comment I made in the previous post. I was a bit aggravated and irritated at the problem and said something off-putting; I have since deleted the comment.


Back on topic ... I have been diligently trying to find the issue and have found something interesting (thank you xEdit), and go figure, it involves this arrow situation with my DLCs. Apparently, the Bloodskal Blade effect is considered an "arrow" or "Bloodskal Ammo."


Bloodskal Ammo Data

Bloodskal Blade Reference


Can this issue possibly be a part of the problem? If so, how would I (theoretically, of course) go about trying to fix it?


Also, for those of you that are console command-knowledgeable, why are the console commands relating to the Bloodskal Blade and its effect in-game, refer to its ID in-game as "0401aea0" and "0401aed0," when the xEdit data lists its ID as "0201aea0" and "0201aed0"?

--- Follow up: If I wanted to "activate" the magic effect in-game, how would I do that via the console? (or can you do such a thing?)

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​Hey was having the same problem and after googling like crazy the best fix I found was by using console commands to equip the spells from the blade on yourself and then using it to open the door.

There are two spells (vertical/horizontal) and you can equip them with the player.equipspell console command.

for the horizontal spell type:

player.equipspell 0401AEAE left

for the vertical spell type:

player.equipspell 04033A27 left

"left" is the hand it will be equipped on. You can type "right" instead if you prefer. I tried using one on each hand but it doesn't seems to work​

You will need both to complete the puzzle on the door and this will will allow you to complete it without needing to go trough walls or something.

After opening the door you can switch weapons/spells to get rid of the blade spells and proceed normally with your game.

Hope your are playing on PC so this works, if not then FeelsBadMan.jpg

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​Hey was having the same problem and after googling like crazy the best fix I found was by using console commands to equip the spells from the blade on yourself and then using it to open the door.
There are two spells (vertical/horizontal) and you can equip them with the player.equipspell console command.
for the horizontal spell type:
player.equipspell 0401AEAE left
for the vertical spell type:
player.equipspell 04033A27 left



Sir/Ma'am(?) ... I cannot express the love I have for you right now. I was exploring this issue for 4 or 5 days now and thought Britania Manamus (my Ax-Mage) was going to be lost in the tomb of Bloodskal forever. You have my deepest appreciation for your assistance in releasing her from her (temporary) prison.


Seriously, the best thing about this fix is that it is not game-breaking and I can proceed as if I had used the blade itself. You, s... eh, good person that you are, have my deepest gratitude for finally providing a (albeit roundabout) fix for this unsolved issue. I have found that this issue is 4 or 5 years old too, and was an issue with Oldrim as well. Well done!

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