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[LE] Replacing a helmet mesh - getting no face?

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So trying to replace a bunch of armors in skyrim with other armor meshes. Shout out to the mod Demon Hunter Armor by Jojjo by the way. Looks fantastic!


Anyways! The photo attached is what is going on. Equipping the helmet causes the head to disappear, but the hooded cloth still shows. Honestly think it kind of looks cool, but would just like to know what's going on to learn more about modding in this area.


Steps I've done:


1. Checked .nif file's body part ID.

2. Tried setting the body part ID of the nif file, armor addon of Daedric Helmets, and a daedric helmet itself to 30 (Head) and 31 (Hair). Same thing happens.

3. Tried this with a complete vanilla setup (no mods), and still occurs. I have no mods that edit helmets.


Any help would be appreciated, thank you!



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When your item takes up the "head" slot, that means it will hide the head. You need to use only the hair slot or the circlet slot or something like that; you have a few choices. Just make sure absolutely nothing in your mesh or your plugin is using the actual head slot.



Edit: It works like this across the board, BTW. Those partition numbers tell an armor item what to REPLACE.

Edited by nerdofprey
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That's what I was thinking which is why I changed it to the hair slot to see if it fixed it. Just needed confirmation I guess. I must have changed the wrong items or something.


Anyways, I appreciate the help.


Edit: Figured out what I was doing! Was editing the slots of the armors that were enchanted rather than the template armor they all inherit from. My edits were being overwritten because of that. Thanks again!

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