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Blowdgun and Darts


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I've always wanted a blowgun mod for Skyrim, one which silently fires darts which you can use with your various poisons. You just poison it like you would any other weapon, but otherwise this does no damage. Useful for frenzy spells and the like.


I've tried making this myself, but I came across a problem. My Creation Kit knowledge stops at programming, which is likely what this sort of mod will need. As far as I can tell, the bow and crossbow is hardcoded in. If you have a non-spell ranged weapon, it's either a bow or a crossbow. That is, if it doesn't use arrows, it will use bolts. I want to be able to only use darts for the blowgun, and for bows and crossbows to never use darts.


I'm experienced with 3D modeling, and know a little bit about animation, so I can help out in those aspects if needed.

Edited by PhaserRave
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