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Sigrid strange unknown person


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Many times I have ridden through Skyrim, and in my case there's a wierd glitch. After riding along the road from Ivarsted to Riften, I have noticed a house (well a door to be precise) - just across the bridge prom Treva's watch (on the other side of the river from Treva's watch). There's only a door - and nothing more. After approaching the door it says "Sigrid's house". So I entered the door and I was in a house. And the only person that lives there is SIGRID (strange about HIM is, that he has no arms - so another glitch).

After searching internet, I found out, that maby I'm the only one that has this glitches.

1. There's no house outside - just a door. (Like someone would put only a door in the land).

2. The MAN named Sigrid has no arms (from the sleves below).

3. There shouldn't be any man named Sigrid in the game - only NPC named Sigrid is a woman who lives in Riverwood.

Even on internet I couldn't find any MALE NPC named Sigrid.


Does anyone else have this problem - glitch. I mean it is not gamebreaking glitch, but it's wierd. I thought that maby my home "Dragonfall castle" could be responsible for this glitch, but after removing castle mod, the problem was still there. I thought this castle would be responsible, becouse it's near this Stranger's house. And when I tried to enter the house, I bumped into a fence, and climb up a few steps so the house is phisicaly present, but is not visible.

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