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In a few days I have to reinstall my gaming rig. Win 10 won't update and MS support is running out of ideas.


That of course entails reinstalling Steam and FO4 - And almost a years worth of socalled updates that I'd rather have nothing to do with.


I know there's a way to go back once everything is working order. In my case I've got a perfectly running 1.9.4 setup. And I'd like to keep it that way.


Can I use my present FO4 .exe once my game is up and running again? And I've gone off-line on Steam as I've done for the past many months.

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you can keep those files , than overwrite the ones from the installation after you reinstall everything

In fact , if you are using Mod Organizer 2 for FO4 , you can just copy the entire folder , then put it back after you reinstall the game and MO2

not sure about NMM , I think it will require copying the entire Data folder , but probably something beyond it (whichever files store the data of your installed mods and load order on NMM)


If you want to be more certain about copying the executables , you can look at https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/26956/?

this mod basically backs up your executables , in case you update the game unintentionally , therefore breaking mods and the script extender , and such

so from what people have reported , It's indeed safe to do (and actually recommended , if Bethesda keeps breaking mods with their updates , especially if you don't plan on using CC content)

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Thank you WA :thumbsup:


That was the exact answer I was looking for - and hoped for :) I couldn't care less about CC.


I don't use MO but NMM. But I really don't mind about my loadorder. Last time I had to reinstall was at last years christmas sale. All of my saves went down the drain. And I'm - more or less at least- mentally prepared for starting over again. If nothing else I can get rid of a lot of dust gathered from trying out - too many- mods over the year :smile: I'll just make sure to keep a backup of my looksmenu presets and my bodyslides.

Right now I'm deep into New Vegas with a couple of characters as a break from FO4. And that game at least is a lot easier to recreate.

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