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Can't do console commands


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I recently bought a new computer and a copy of oblivion for it. I have several character on my Xbox version and I'm trying to recreate them by using consol commands to set my stats how they were on my xbox versions. but the console command box doesn't pop up when I hit ~ is there something I'm doing wrong, a window I need to be in, or a file in the directory I need to edit to use the commands? I'm running vista if that might have anything to do with it and I read the sticky abouve trying to find info there. I created a thread in the tech support section but no answers and it's also about another issue I have. Could someone please help me out this is really frusterating. :wallbash:
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The problem might be the key you are pressing.

You should be pressing ` (above the tab key), but it sounds like you are pressing ~ (above R-shift).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that that might be your problem.


Hope it helps. :biggrin:

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For some reason known only to Microsoft, They disabled the ~ key on the Media Center Edition. I think unplugging the infrared pickup will restore the key. But f you don't want to do that, try the ring of console mod suggested by Lainge.
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or you simply may be waiting to be prompt with a window in the game after you hit ~

when in fact the only thing that shows up is a white, vertical line. no window

this= |

is what it would look like, so you would type ShowRaceMenu and this is what it will look like


then press enter.

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Thanks guys I'll try some of those.


Edit: Ok I got the ring or console mod. I'm guessing the problem is what bben said (His sig is so true). I have little knowledge of computer hard/software so I wasn't about to try his idea though. Thank you for your help I have a character on my Xbox Version that I managed to get to lvl 50 and I was really bumming at the thought of putting another 250+ hours into another trying to get their stats back up.

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  • 3 years later...
I too have been working for 2 weeks to get command consol to work and finally got it with the ring of consol, the trick is after installing the ring of consol you MUST open the game with the obse mod program. Opening oblivion normal link - the ring dont work. SO, ring of command consol (or ring of consol) and obse mods work with vista without turning anything off on keyboard. Grins.
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I too have been working for 2 weeks to get command consol to work and finally got it with the ring of consol, the trick is after installing the ring of consol you MUST open the game with the obse mod program. Opening oblivion normal link - the ring dont work. SO, ring of command consol (or ring of consol) and obse mods work with vista without turning anything off on keyboard. Grins.

I had this same issue a few days ago. Your probably using windows vista right? My computer-system-device manger- look on the right find the us serialbus and click the + sign then disable the infared reciever. then start up the game hit your tid key and that should work. for more details look at some of my other posts.

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