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Is it possible to make a mod that will block out the sun when clouds pass? I know it's a very tiny change, but I feel like it would make a huge difference.

It drives me nuts that my amazing looking Fallout 4 has a bunch of godrays while the sun is behind clouds. I also really enjoy that enb allows the clouds to cause shadows, but dislike that you look up at the sun and there it is, contradicting my immersion and bright as ever.


I tried searching for something like this, but unfortunately I only found mods that either get rid of the sun entirely, or change the clouds in some way.


Please let me know if there is something like this, or if it is just not possible.

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Honestly what it sounds like you are looking for is a weather over haul mod. Currently there are several to chose from, including some which specialize in just clouds. I don't mind saying several of those are really nice. Personally I didn't go that direction myself as I'm using TrueStorms and really love the weather effects, sound of the storms, and the way you can still hear a storm raging when you are inside.

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  • 3 months later...

Sorry, I haven't been on for some time. Thank you for the reply!


I also use TrueStorms, and absolutely love it, but I was looking for something that caused dynamic shadows cast by the clouds.

ENB allows for it, but if you find the border of a cell, you can actually cause a bit of glitching where the lighting seems like it updates for the new cell and looks completely different.

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