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Wear a 2nd armor, but only for looks


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First off thanks to all those cool armors, I really like the look some of them but they are wrong stat wise. :(


Is there a mod out there already that allows you to wear a second armor, but for looks only? i.e. I'm currently in orcish heavy armor with a couple of enchants, but would love to have a look of another armor. Could be custom/vanilla or skimpy, etc!


So it looks like I'm running around in elven light armor or rugged armor or custom void (:D), but it will have the stats of my enchanted heavy orc armor.


Surely I can't be the first to think that other <insert name of cool looking> armor is so cool, but you wouldn't wear it because I should be using light/heavy armor.


How do you guys get around this problem?


Thanks in advance!



Just to give a few more details.

- You will wear 2 items on gloves/head/body/boots, one for stats and one for looks

- It would work with what ever armors/textures you have current installed.

- As an idea, on the armor menu, E for equip, R for drop and add L for looks and it then puts a marker as if you were wearing it, so you know not to get rid of it.


I have no idea what kind of scripting effort this is, but hoping its not a big change.

Edited by ugug2000
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This is such a simple thing, that it is best done by the individual wanting to do it :D


You load up any armor mods for your target stats, and target armor in the creation kit, if it's all vanilla stuff, you don't have to load up anything. Don't make any files active, if it asks you if you are sure you don't want to mark a file active, tell it you are sure.


If you know the construction kit instructions are as follows: Take the item you want the look of, make a copy of it, then input the stats of the ... item you want the stats of.. then place the pieces some where in the world so you can get ahold of it (whiterun somewhere or whatever)



If you don't know the CK, here are some (very crude) directions:


1. Open up the armor you want the STATS of, In the object window, under ITEMS, select ARMOR, and find your item. It's probably named something like it's ingame name.

2. Make A copy of the armor you want the LOOK of. Find the armor as described above, open it, Change the ID box to something custom. Click YES after clicking OK at the bottom of the big box. You now have a new version with the look you want.

3. With the windows of the two armors up (The copy of one who's look you like, and the one who's stats you like) Change the obviously named statistics of your new copy to match the stats of the weapon/armor you want it to act like.


For armor this is: (weapons are similar)

* Template armor, if this is used (it may not be) match this first.

* Enchanting, match it to the weapon who's stats you want.

* Weight, if you care

* Armor, copy

* If the armor who's stats you are coppying has any scripts (the bottom right corner), you may or may not want to copy them depending on if they are effects you would want your new armor to have (a crazy effect on your enemies) or not (something you don't want the be seen on your new armor)



4. Press OK at the bottom of the window.

5. Now we're going to put it somewhere you can get to it easily. Since we're going for simplicity here.

* In the CELL VIEW window, in the world space dropdown, selecte Whiterunworld

* In the list of stuff right below it, where it says EDITOR ID, select WhiterunPlainsDistrict04, that's a reasonably fail safe spot lol.

* Click in the RENDER WINDOW (the one showing a picture of the place), and use your scroll wheel to zoom out, this is a reasonably good place to drop your new items.

* Drag your NEW ITEM, armor or whatever it is, from the OBJECT WINDOW over the render window. It should appear in the window, in that part of whiterun. Put whatever else you want there too.

5. Save, it should automatically try and save in the \data folder, where pluggins go, name it a name you will be able to remember when you load up skyrim.

6. Load up skyrim, make sure your plugin is loaded in data files etc etc.. go look for your armor in whiterun where it should be. There you go.



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Thanks for the replies.


I'm not familiar with the editing kit, but I might have to give after i reach end game and play there for a while, I'm not really all that optimistic though given my skills. I'm constantly trying new enchants (reforce and re-enchant) and to keep the looks up to date might become difficult to manage if i had to use the console/creation kit to do it every time.


Maybe it will be ok once I get to the better armors. Seems to be a lot more types for daedric and stuff.



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Actually I am surprised there isn't much interest in this.


A lot of the armor mods I am browsing from the category armor, I see quite a few requests for custom armors to be released/redone with deadric/iron/banded/fur/falmer light/heavy stats etc etc etc. Some mods are even releasing mods with 4 versions of the same stats one light, heavy, and different grades .... one eleven, one glass, or one deatric and one dragon bone etc etc.


With the current rate of new amors being released, if there was something through the GUI to allow you to wear a second armor, most of these requests will disappear. I think it would be an extremely popular mod. *hint hint ;)* or maybe I could completely wrong about this, but judging by the amount of comments and requests, i think its unlikely.


It may be that there is a mod out there that already does this, however i haven't been able to find it :(. If anyone knows of one please let me know.


Thanks in advance, cheers!

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I think maybe you are right. Maybe its time to drop this subject. But before I do, i'll make a last attempt pitch ... :D



Easier use of armor mods for looks will imo, lead to more endorsments and appreciation and more cool armors.



Its not about finding a mod that gives me better stats, that's easy. Its about looks and various levels of immersion and ease of getting them without messing around in the console. Yesterday there were at least 7 new armors out with various stats and multiple variations of the same thing because of stats.


For exmaple,

- Looking at the invisible armor, theres 2 sets of invisible armor with different stats .... Its invisible and looks are the same :D

- Looking at the Hentai ones, there now multiple copies of the same armor with light/heavy variations. Looks and stats!

- I saw requests for deadric stats to copied to steel armor. Stats.

- I saw ebony armor for light users. Looks.

- Now what about the armors with only one set of stats? Less use.


These are just in the past 2-3 days. There were many more requests going further back and its about the looks. If i fudge the settings of my current armor and I had to do it again (not that I know how) because there was a new armor/enchant (which I am still levelling up), I simply wouldn't do it. A lot of armor mods out would get use more love/endorsements and if people could use them easily, then more cool armors would follow when ppl appreciate it with endorsements. :thumbsup:


As is stands, I think the number of ppl who know how do it is small and even then I reckon doing it is time comsuming and you simply just don't change your looks that often. Just a guess though, i can't back this claim up.


Therefore I don't think editing stats or finding a mod that buffs an armor is the solution. I like the ebony armor, but found some steel armors looked quite good and even some light armors. But I wouldn't wear them because they are less stats than on them. I also found better armor like deadly dragon armor sets, but I won't wear them because of the look. I'm not going to fiddle any of those armors, because smithing and enchanting is continually being improved. Never mind the look, the stats are changing constantly as well.


I think armor mods would gain even more popularity if they could be easily utilised. Ppl will just wear their deadric/dragon armor and could have lots of fun just using the looks of all the glorious armor out there. Mods with high endorsements and appreciations will lead to more cool armors.


Anyways, I would like to delude myself that I could do this mod myself except i am completely clueless how to go out it :D. But maybe after I experience some end game content I might give it a crack anyways. :)


I'll drop this subject now.

Edited by ugug2000
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  • 2 months later...

Ummm, I definitely want cosmetic armors.


Before WoW was doing anything similar, Lord of the Rings Online had a cosmetic outfit feature that allowed you to use whatever you wanted for your character to look cool in a roleplay sense while allowing you to use the stats of whatever your best armor was. The creative freedom to play the character as you want to play them without suffering a penalty to game mechanics is good for immersion. Honestly, I'm surprised this doesn't already exist.

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