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Not sure what is going on.


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Every time I add a mod through Nexus mod Manager like say for instance IAFT (Immersive Amazing Follower tweaks) I find zip files in my data folder for it, UFO EFF Requiem and CACO I do not use UFO EFF Requiem or CACO and I am unsure why they are being added and another one being added as a zip is immersive Horses which I do not use but however use primitive Horse breeds.


USLEEP is being added as a zip as well as USLEEP for cutting room floor, vedor sale delay gone three files for it and several others. I was wondering if anyone else has had this issue or has had it in the past and how to fix it. or is it a new feature that has been added somehow or a virus of some sort. Any help in this matter would be appreciated. Thanks.

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