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Dialogue Snafu (or lack thereof)

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I just can't figure out what's wrong and can't find much in the forums or wiki or google about it, so...


I have a quest dialog that is set up like so atm:


00 Waiting for PC to talk to NPC

10 Talked to NPC ----> Accept Quest (go to stage 20) OR ----> Reject Quest (go to stage 30)

20 Accepted quest ----> About those Items again...

30 Rejected Quest ----> I changed my mind...


This works:



10 Talk to NPC ---> Accept Quest (go to stage 20) +LOG updates correctly to stage 20

20 Accepted Quest ---> "About those items again" (repeats each time convo opened)


This works until it gets back to stage 20:



10 Talk to NPC --> Reject Quest (go to stage 30) + Log updates correctly to stage 30

20 Accepted Quest ---> "About those items again"

30 Rejected Quest ---> "I changed my mind" (Go to stage 20) + Log updates correctly to stage 20!


In the main quest form, "allow repeat stages" is checked. For each final dialog except the "About those Items" dialog, the box for "say once" has been checked. Originally I had those 'say once' boxes unchecked and the "I changed my mind" topic would repeat itself, despite the fact that the quest stage had been set to 20 and the condition for "I changed my mind" was that the quest stage be 30.


Now, after rejecting & then accepting the quest with "say once" checked, there just isn't any dialog about the quest at all.


Am I making sense? Not sure.


In any case, any help from someone experienced with this dialog business will be appreciated.

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Make the order like this:



10 Talk to NPC

--- Acept or Reject ---

15 Rejected Quest > Set dialogue for the "I changed my mind..." thing

20 Accepted Quest > Proceed normally.


So then you dont have to go a previous quest stage. If the player accepts, go to stage 20 directly, if the player rejects, jump to stage 15, if he accepts after coming back to the NPC, to stage 20.


Im guessing that the only dialogue who needs to be said multiple times is the "I changed my mind..." one, you give the choice to accept/reject after it. If the player accepts, you advance the stage and change the dialogue, if the player still rejects, you do nothing.


The "i changed my mind" topic should have a check that says that if the quest stage is bigger than 15, said topic wont appear. Its only function would be to jump back to the "acept/reject" dialogue branch, and that branch would be in charge of setting the stage of the quest.


In any case, both of these tutorials teach to deal with the various ways a quest dialogue can be approached from the player perspective:




Edited by eltucu
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