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Is there any mod that improves NPCs attacks?


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Hello, everyone! I was wondering if there's any mod that improves NCPs skills: fast attacks, fast blocking, fast response time, shield bash, etc, just like the Forsworn Briarhearts and some other few NPCs. Not necessarily increasing the damage values, but turning them more challenging and smart.

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Was going to say Smilodon, but it doesn't seem to be for Oldrim. There's one for Oldrim called Wildcat from the same author, I think Smilodon is a continuation of it. I hate combat overhaul mods but I haven't had much troubles with Smilodon. Feels very close to vanilla for me, just a bit more deadlier :smile: So perhaps Wildcat would work for you :laugh:


But I haven't tried Wildcat, so can't say anything about how that plays.

Edited by Niborino9409
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