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temporary friendly relations


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First of all sorry for my disgusting English))

Please help me.

I want to find the mod which temporary changes NPC' and monsters's relathions to friendly. May be it is the spell or ring or something else. This effect must be exactly temporary cause it's necessary not for cheating but for role-playng ;)


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Unfortunately, anything like this has to be done to each individual NPC/creature. While having a very high personallity buff (300+) can accomplish the same effect without the hassle, the effects of that buff are lasting, and can often lock normally hostile things, as well as anything else, which have already seen you at 100 disposition.
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I found the "Friendly Oblivion" mod by riklund http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=14290

But it removes the agression of NPC's and monsters permanently. I don't know how the author did it but I don't sure that he decreased the agression to every actor by hands in CS)) So may be it's possible)

Not for your uses since you want it to apply to things which are not preplanned. His mod is simple, and probably makes use of factions. Unfortuately, instead of adding factions to every creature, he changes the main factions for most agressive things. That method wouldn't work for you since it only affects those known factions, and not anything which might be added by mods. And once loaded with a friendly disposition, even when it is because of a faction, that disposition will remain high until something affects it on an individual basis.

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