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Navmesh Problems, please help!


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So, I am working on a Hearthfire house mod. Actually, I've been working on it for what seems like ages. I edited the landscape in CK, trying to get it to do exactly what I wanted it to. After awhile it was perfect. Then I took a look at the navmesh and realized that since I manipulated the vertices, the navmesh is now all wonky. Some of it sits under the ground, and some of it sits above. I tried getting it to smooth out on the ground, by using the F key like you do with objects. That didn't go so well. All the vertices became green but nothing happened. And how do I get the vertices that are under the ground above it? And obviously I can't delete it because that would cause serious errors. And trying to regenerate it didn't work either.


I tried googling for this information but nobody seems to have any answers. Does anyone have any answers? I've only navmeshed interiors so this is a complete first for me. How can I fix broken navmesh? Help! If someone could take a look at it for me or help me with ANY of it I would really appreciate it.

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