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How can i put one light mod setting into another light bot?


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I will just make it simple, Bellwood's MOD Storage it have a nice light bot to use, but i think it is lack of something since i think it use mine helmet as light.

So i found out Pip-Boy Flashlight is it quite good but i want to use the light bot as flash light, it also include power armor light change which is nice too.

TNR Shoulder Lamp it is a good idea too, but i think the Shoulder Lamp is bothering, as it make my character look bad with cloths i wear.

So, how can i keep the Pip-Boy Flashlight those light source, and put it into Bellwood's MOD Storage light bot, or even use the idea of TNR Shoulder Lamp to change light color( i think this is AE thing(?)) and place it into different level list? ( The last one wasn't important, only combine Bellwood's MOD Storage and Pip-Boy Flashlight would be good enough.)

And i think Bellwood's MOD Storage lightbot have set into a position, so it wont fly around or off the position, it only light the way in front of you.

Edited by loen999
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