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Disappearing Rocks


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I've recently made a mod which consists of a tower atop a large rock cliff besides the Winterhold collage. This rock cliff is primarily consists of the 'WinterholdSpire' rock piece which spans between cells 30,25 and 30,26. Now, when I load the mod there seems to be a hit and miss chance of it appearing or not. Much of the furniture and smaller rocks attop the tower are loaded, but the main rock and some other pieces aren't. This results in me falling from the tower straight to my death upon exitting my house, or it being totally inaccessible.


Despite it being initially quite humerous, the tedious irresolution to this problem is causing me to lose my patience a little. Any solution you could offer would be fantastic. Thankyou.

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In the settings for the disappearing item is an option to check that is labeled "Is Full LOD". Check that and save your mod. It will appear in the game and be visible at a distance. If you dont want it to be visible for a distance, you should be able to uncheck it later after saving and entering the game once and it wil still show up.
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