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Custom Game Start Point and some help


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First of all, I'd like to know how to make a custom game start point so when you click New game, it will start at a destination I want and stuff. I'll research the stuff about the character later on. '


How do I add a destination to a carriage dude?


And are aliases required for quests?

Edited by soulslayerzx
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How do I add a destination to a carriage dude?



Anyway, the fastest way to do this is set the Global Value 'MQQuickstart' to 3 and create a new xmarkerheading in the spot you want the player to spawn when newgame is clicked. Then open the quest MQ101 and open the alias tab. Change the PlayerStartMarker alias to your new xmarkerheading. Now click the scripts tab and open the properties window for QF_MQ101. Change the ObjectReference 'PlayerStartMarker' to your new xmarkerheading.


The quickstart global was only for debug by Bethesda and does what its called. Goto quest stage 0 and click the MQQuickStart == 3 line and change the Game.GetPlayer line


Heres the snip for quickstart 3

Game.SetInChargen(false, false, false)   ;This line allows you to use menus such as the save menu

Game.GetPlayer().moveto(HelgenEndMarker) ;moves the player to the tutorial dungeon exit CHANGE THIS LINE TO...

; imagespace modifier
Game.FadeOutGame(False, true, 1.0, 1.0) ;fades the game in from black screen
game.ShowRaceMenu() ; pop race menu
kmyQuest.AddRaceSpells() ; add race spells. See the script 'MQ101QuestScript'

; pop message box to choose sides
if TempChooseSidesMessage.Show() == 0
; move Hadvar
; 	debug.trace(self + " moving Hadvar to " + HelgenFriendMarker)
; start player on Imperial side
; move Ralof
; 	debug.trace(self + " moving Ralof to " + HelgenFriendMarker)
; start player on Sons side

; close all the town gates

; get rid of music etc.
;remove music
ExtHelgenAttackASREF.Disable() ; acoustic space
Stop() ;Stop mq101


If your looking for more than this PM me and Ill let you in on a modders resource Im working on that gives greater control along with a few other things. Post back if this helped :hurr:

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