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a question relating to a writing idea.


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Okay so: I had an idea in which i wanted to ask you guys on the nexus a couple questions on. First of all I'll explain my plan (:

I am a novice modder, however I wish to create a sort of crafting system allowing players to write their own books, journals, notes and such in game by the use of a writing desk or something of the sort. I thought it was a pretty cool idea and i really want to try it out as it would come in handy very much in a few ways. for example: you could write notes on a dungeon giving directions for future reference if you plan on returning there at a later time, or you could write notes on things such as whats going on for the plot so if you're returning to the game after not playing for awhile you could reference that notebook and carry on with less confusion of where you are and what you've done so far (which would prove incredibly useful to those who use many mulitple characters.) also, if you just wanted to write books on things you've seen as a way to feel more a part of the world, and maybe see these books in the inventorys of book vendors. You could even write your own personal journal detailing how your characters life has been, or an autobiography. ANYWAYS. what are you guys' thoughts on this(: any ideas would be appreciated, and since i'm a novice modder if you could help out with places i could better learn the things i would need for creating this please let me know (:


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At the risk of sounding stupid, that sounds really hard. (I'm a total noob)


How would you think it would work? Just asking.


My thought would be that you would have to add a certain number of editable blank books(books 1-100x) into the game, with attached scripts to allow writing and so the initial un-editable blank book (book0) now becomes (book1) so now you can start new blank books while keeping whatever you wrote in the first book without roaming about for another blank book or typing in commands for a new one. From there, the writing script just changes the written information within the book, much like changing the name of an object in game, you might even be able to use whatever script that allows you to do that and canabalize it to do whatever you want, including renaming the book, or something.


And, with that in mind, you could make it so you can edit the in game books; un-recommended, but interesting nonetheless.


Don't ask me about that though, any scripting problems I throw at my friend :P

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You write the book in notepad, give it to this guy: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/585499-skyrim-fan-fiction-library/page__st__20 or one of the mods like that, and then get the updated mod. rofl.


Someone else was talking about some version of the tracking stuff you're talking about. One such way would be preset notes with bits of information that you stick in a journal that is actually a container. Maybe when you go to a location, or do an activity noteworthy, a pre writen note about it is added to your inventory, you can then choose to, or to not, put this in your journal. The journal container is a collection of these notes, like a real journal is, it's just accessed as a container.


One silly idea of many I'm sure. But this way you could achieve a customized record of events for which there were notes. You go home to your desk, click on your journal, and look through your file of notes in it. It's the same except you're not flipping through a book, you're looking in a container... You could also have a few other containers based on the subject they are recording, and one for your current activities(uncompleted quest information, unexplored areas, like your ingame journal, but better). Don't forget a trashbin for stuff you don't want to remember(like a visit to Club Obos:



If your aim is a better record of what's happened and what's going on, there are tons of creative options open to you :D


If your aim is simply being able to have a version of notepad in skyrim... I would stick with notepad...


This actually sounds like a playable idea, the challenge would be making a buttload of notes to make it useful at all. I myself would like to have greater control over what's stored about my experiences as each character. Iirc,The TES games used to keep each journal entry for you, now they just dump it.

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