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Skyrim will not start past the first opening menu. Three mods are causing this


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Hello all,


Recently I have gathered a group of mods I was planning on playing with. They are as follows:

Ordinator (with the thief skills rebalance and the extra perk points add-ons)

Apocalypse (with the ordinator compatibility patch)

Immersive Armors

Immersive Weapons

Unofficial Skyrim legendary edition patch


Aurora - Standing Stones

Imperious - Races of Skyrim

Alternative Start - Live Another Life


When I tried to start the game, it wouldn't progress past the first little opening menu. After messing around with the load order and mods, I have discovered that it is the last three that are causing the problem.


Aurora - Standing Stones

Imperious - Races of Skyrim

Alternative Start - Live Another Life


All of the other mods work just fine when I start the game. Even with all mods disabled, if just one of these three is enabled it crashes the game. I can't seem to figure out why. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I have tried reinstalling both the mod manager and the game itself, along with redownloading all of the mods listed.


Thank you!

Edited by QuietThoughts
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