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Open Book to Set on Desk


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I'm pretty sure most books actually open at the center, and can be placed in an open position. Just turn on Havok Simulation in the redner window, then place the book so it will fall open and settle on what ever surface, turn off Havok and save. there you go.
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for some reason books do not seem to go 180 degrees open. Only like 45 to closed...


True, but the OP never specified that it needs to be fully open and laying flat. :tongue:

:( Well the only book I know of that is "open" is the activator that says "forge #'s"

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for some reason books do not seem to go 180 degrees open. Only like 45 to closed...


True, but the OP never specified that it needs to be fully open and laying flat. :tongue:

:( Well the only book I know of that is "open" is the activator that says "forge #'s"

Which can easily be turned into a static.

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I turned an activator into a book for a desk myself. Though it still has forge numbers if you get close to it but its not attached to anything since I duplicated it and made sure the scripts wasn't in it. as for the regular books just have one cover leaning on an apple or something.
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