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I cant get upload to steam work shop...HELP


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Okay, ive created a custom map from scratch and would like to upload it to steam..


what i do is...Open creation kit.


1. then i open skyrim main file, then my esp file and set it to active.


2. then i hit FILE>Upload file and acrchive to steam


and only thing that pops up is "ADD/remove files to archive" the FILE that is listed is "BSShader_defNormalmap"


I click Pack FILES and it says "archive process failed"


Well then i open up archiver in the skyrim folder and it works, so i hit FILE> Open FIle" and i open my my map it says "Aafinal1.bsl"


it just says "header tag is incorrect" something is up. Before i got to open up my "aafinal1" (map name) and it worked, i hit export and it made a BSL but its only 0kb. Could someone provide a complete step guide what exactly i should do? I know im doing it right


my problem is, when i opened archiver in folder, im not sure i did it right but i believe I did, HELP please

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also i might add, since ive had creation kit ive had many errors when opening creation kit, some about navmeshes not having parent space and more then one reference of character etc. Masterfile: errors....i get them even on a new map i make....
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