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Remove Dogmeat's Collision?


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Possibly one of the most frustrating parts to FO4 is the use of Dogmeat, I would guess a lot of people would avoid using this companion just because his collision makes it a PITA to work with him. The dog's incessant need to run in front of you based on where that crosshair is facing makes the dumb creature constantly push you out of the way of doorways, stand on top of you in critical moments where you need to take cover behind something after slinging some rounds at some super mutant's forehead (I'm writing this because I JUST had a situation where a super mutant tossed a molotov, I saw it coming and tried to move behind cover but OH LOOK! THERES DOGMEAT! JUST STANDING THERE! Naturally i took the molotov to the face and died.. ugh). In fact it's not JUST dogmeat that does this, most companions get in the freakin' way, but what fun is it not experiencing a storyline without your favorite follower of choice?

So really I wanted to know if anyone has played around with this concept before, if it's even possible to JUST disable the walking collision with just the player and companion(s) I mean sure there might be some clipping and you can probably see the inside of Piper's eyeballs for a brief second but who cares when YOU CAN WALK THROUGH A DING DANG DOORWAY! lol

Honestly it would be a good alternative to having your companions stand REALLY far away from you and toggling that distance on and off, SkyrimSE could use this sort of thing too.

Thanks for reading :) and advanced thanks to anyone who takes this up, I'm willing to bet such a mod would be on the front page before you knew it lol

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OMG! Brother i feel your pain!! I freakin hate that damn dog for exactly this reason. I have frequently told my kids, "If you ever want to know where your companions (especially the dog) are in FO4 all you have to do is either crouch & aim at something, or go into build mode. Either way the damn thing will get right in front of you!

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You should definitely give this a try.

While this mod mainly edits how companion stealth AI works, it also disables the AI package Dogmeat gets, aka running towards the crosshair. It works both in interiors and exteriors. Tested myself.

The downside is that dogmeat never runs in front anymore (heresy, yes, but I liked it outdoors).

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